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Who are we and why did we develop this website

My name is Syed Nazir Ali. I am a retired civil servant living in the United Kingdom and I have spent the last 20 years or so studying the Qur'an. This has been an incredible journey of discovery, and the journey - my learning - will continue for the rest of my life.

Allah (SWT) instructs us to study and deliberate over his commandments contained in the Qur'an, and of course then apply them to our day-to-day lives. I have spent a huge amount of my time over the last 20 years to performing such study of Allah's beautiful, miraculous messages. I have also spent a lot of time to share that knowledge with others; through facilitating weekly study circles, publishing articles and videos, and through holding regular skype study calls with people in other countries.

The purpose of this website is to take advantage of the global reach of the internet, to make the sharing of my learning and to communicate with the global community more effectively.

I do not have any association with any 'sect' or political groups. I am simply a Muslim, and a student of the Qur'an.  

In short, the purpose of this website is to make my limited, humble contribution to the community.  Allah commands us to share our possessions, and knowledge is one of the most valuable possessions.

Please do read the first blog I posted for more details of why this website was launched.

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