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"Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur'an, or are there locks on their hearts? (47:24)

It is an obligation on us to study the Qur'an

The Qur'an is a complete instruction book for mankind, to help it to achieve its highest form; to achieve peace, success and harmony

The Qur'an. The words of Allah (SWT). The book that contains all the instructions and guidance for mankind to live and achieve success. To develop and flourish, to explore and to discover, for people to achieve their full capabilities, for societal cohesion and peace. It contains descriptions of the natural laws that govern the operation of the universe, including this world. It containts the laws which, if implemented, would be for the betterment of mankind, for equality and fairness, for nourishment, peace and harmony, for the security of our future generations. It provides a straight path towards such accomplishments. It is complete, without any inconsistencies or imperfections.

Allah (SWT) commands us, through the revelations contained in the Qur'an, to undertake our own deep study of the instructions and ordinances. To reflect on them, to understand them fully and then to apply them.

Consider the current state of the world and the state of Muslims

The world around us is a picture of inequality, poverty, famine, wealth possessed by the few, declining morality, conflicts and threats to the existence of our world.

Muslims, rather than demonstrating Allah's perfect system are embroiled in conflict between themselves, geopolitcally and domestically. The identity of a Muslim has been polarised between sects and schools of thought. Many Muslim majority countries hover below the poverty line, corruption is rife, human rights are trodden on and economic enhancements often remain behind other states.

One must surely then consider where the Muslims have gone wrong. How sure are we that what we have been taught about Islam is refective of Allah's direct revelations? Is the general contentment felt by the Muslim community when it follows the '5 pillars' of Islam and related rituals somehow msiplaced? We need to refer back to the pristine messages revealed by Allah (SWT) to get the answers.

'Practising' the Qur'an versus 'reciting' the Qur'an

The Qur'an was not revealed merely for the purpose of recitation. To believe that focusing our efforts on merely doing this will obtain the mercy of Allah (SWT)  would be a grave injustice to the Qur'an, and an injustice to ourselves and our societies.

We hope the study notes, articles and blogs on this website will inspire you to undertake your own deep study and reflections on the revelations from our Creator, to understand the 'true' instructions of Allah (SWT) and to leave behind many misconceptions and falsehood, for surely only then will mankind understand and move towards achieving the state of being that was the very reason for its creation.

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